‘Twas the Night Before Black Friday

‘Twas the night before Black Friday, when all through the stores,
All the entrepreneurs were scurrying, preparing to open their doors.
The sale banners were hung on the windows with care,
In hopes that the customers would soon be there.
The products were nestled all snug on their racks,
While shelves were decorated with all sorts of knick-knacks.
And the manager in her vest, and I with my name tag,
Had just polished the checkout counter with a small cleaning rag.
When from the computer there arose a loud chime,
Emails from shoppers placing orders well ahead of time.
Away to the back room I flew, my eyes filled with sparkles,
To get a jump start on packing the parcels.
The moon outside shone down on the sidewalk,
Lighting a row of early shoppers watching for deals like a hawk.
Faster than I could have imagined, I clapped eyes on the sun,
Already starting to peek over the horizon.
With a spring in her step, the owner declared:
“It’s almost opening time, everyone be prepared.”
We all sped to the sales floor,
While the clamour of excited shoppers turn into a roar.
“Now, Cashiers! Now, Social Media Team! Now, Sales and Stock!
On, Greeters! On, Customer Service! Get ready, it’s almost time to shop!
To the register! To the floor!
Put on those smiles, get ready to open our store!”
The doors to the shop slid open wide,
And we all manned our posts, ready to provide service with pride.
In came the shoppers, in a wild stampede,
All yelling, “help us find the deals that we need!”
The social media team did their job exceptionally well;
Obviously their marketing efforts were a huge sell!
The customers filled the aisles in a grand wave,
Clutching coupons that would help all of them save.
In an instant, the sales team jumped to lead the way,
Helping to make a success of the whole day.
Fliers and gift guides were clutched tightly in their grasp,
And they delighted customers with amazing deals, making them gasp.
In the back room, the IT team rapidly typed on their keyboards;
When it came to site optimization, they were the lords.
Their impressive efforts kept the business’ website up and running,
And their design of the ecommerce store was really quite cunning.
To the stock team, the back room was also home base,
Their job was to keep the shelves filled; a task that was fast-paced!
They also shouted out orders that came in online,
So they could be packaged quickly and sent out on time.
To keep up with demand,
The customer service team all lifted their hands.
“I can help whoever’s next in line!”
“Don’t be shy, ask your questions, the pleasure’s all mine!”
The cashiers bravely manned their tills,
Counting coins and handing back bills.
Every transaction was conducted with a smile,
So everyone knew we always went the extra mile.
The busiest shopping day of the year passed in a blur,
Filled with “hello, ma’am,” and “come again, sir!”
When the doors finally closed, we let out a tired, “hurray!”
And immediately prepared to do it once again, on Cyber Monday.